Hand drill

The hand drill can be found in the Museum’s permanent exhibition, in the room dedicated to the decade of the ‘60s. Like many of the museum artefacts, this tool was also donated by the family of Carlos Narbaiza in 2015, having previously been on loan. A metal object with wooden handles, it is in complete condition, bit and all.
Larrañaga y Elorza SRC was established on August 17, 1918 by Carlos Larrañaga Olaizola and Domingo Elorza Zabaleta. Both founders were accomplished workers from the Star factory, skilled users of machinery for producing firearms, spare parts, and accessories. Their expertise was such that Bonifacio Echeverria gave them a licence to manufacture handcuffs under the company brand name. They have never stopped manufacturing handcuffs since 1921, although they did change the brand name. Initially the business involved the two partners and five workers. Later it became a Limited Company and, in 1951, a Public Limited Company.
The first workshop had its premises in the Calle Ardanza, from where it moved to Jardines; and from there, in 1959, to number 13 Calle Barrena. Initially they manufactured firearms, specifically the pistol known as the “Jubala”: an Eibar-type gun based on the 1906 Browning. They continued to manufacture the same pistol until 1923, although by 1921 they had already diversified their production with the manufacture of handcuffs. This product has been their main activity until today, having been commercialised above all under the ALCYON registered trademark.
After the Civil War, around 1941, they started to make hardware articles, such as drills, small lathes, hammers, braces… Later, and until 1980, they also sold DIY and hardware articles: corkscrews, pliers, lemon squeezers, etc.
In 1990, after important restructuring in all areas of its management, the company focussed solely and exclusively on producing handcuffs. This lent importance to the area of marketing and the creation and launch of new products. Given the need to modernise its facilities, 10 years ago the company moved into new premises in Elgoibar, where it remains today, and from where safety articles with the ALCYON brand name are exported to more than ninety countries.